L’Associazione “Donne e Scienza” è tra le fondatrici della Piattaforma Europea delle Donne Scienziate (European Platform of Women in Science).
Lucia Martinelli è la delegata eletta presso la piattaforma (lucia.martinelli@muse.it)
La Piattaforma è nata al fine di favorire lo scambio di opinioni, esperienze e migliori pratiche relativamente alle misure e politiche elaborate e attuate a livello locale, regionale, nazionale ed europeo, in grado di incoraggiare la partecipazione delle donne alle carriere scientifiche e alla ricerca.
Di seguito alcuni dei documenti più importanti prodotti o segnalati dall’EPWS
– Programma dell’EPWS Short Conference and Sixth General Assembly, 27 settembre 2012. Invito
– Modifiche allo statuto proposte all’assemblea generale EPWS del 2012
– Report dell’assemblea generale EPWS del 2011
– Interview of Luisa Prista, Head of the unit “Scientific culture and gender issues”, until 31-12-2011, Now in charge of the unit “Environmental Technologies” (February 14th 2011)
– report of Claudine Hermann invited at the meeting «Defending women’s rights» organised by DG Enlargementin Brussels on March 24th, 2011
– Interview fo Gilles Laroche, Head of Unit “Ethics and Gender”, for EPWS Newsletter
by Claudine Hermann (14-2-2011)
– Response of the European Platform of Women Scientists to the Public Consultation on the future “EU 2020” Strategy
– EPWS Newsletter May-August 2009
Start of new Grant Agreement EPWS No. 235044
On 1 November 2008, EPWS formally entered its administrative and financial independence and is now responsible for the administration and acquisition of its own funds. The contract for the new Grant Agreement EPWS No. 235044 has been signed in November 2008 with the start of the new grant being 1 November 2008. In December 2008, the Commission’s prepayment has been received, amounting to 449,300.00 €. The next appointment with the European Commission is fixed for 12 February 2009.
EPWS Discussion Paper Series
Upon suggestion of Brigitte Mühlenbruch it was decided that next to the EPWS Position Papers and the EPWS Newsletter, the Platform edits a series of discussion papers. The suggested title of the series is EPWS Open.
The idea is that EPWS Open contains papers and articles written by members of the EPWS Board of Administration, EPWS members or members of the Secretariat and other external authors which take up issues of current research policy and other women and science related matters. The aim is to create a forum for inputs into new and ongoing discussion in European research policy from a variety of disciplinary, national, international and other perspectives. The series would also allow members of the EPWS Board of Administration, EPWS members and members of the Secretariat to publish papers prepared on subjects of interest to the work and activities of the Platform. The texts published in EPWS Open will be statements by individual authors or teams of authors. They are no EPWS Position Papers and, hence, do not represent the Platform’s opinion.
Brigitte Mühlenbruch offered to be responsible, together with the EPWS Secretariat, for all editing except for English language checks. The first edition could cover the issue “Scientific Culture” and contain a joint paper written by Maren Jochimsen and Brigitte Mühlenbruch composed of Maren Jochimsen’s input at the EPWS Annual Conference in Vilnius on 7 June 2008 and Brigitte Mühlenbruch’s paper at the ENCOUWOMSCI final conference in Brussels on 26 June 2008. A second topic could be “Women in Research Management”, a third “Women in Science Communication”. Other possible contributions such as papers and articles by members of the EPWS Board of Administration would be welcome.
Brainstorming meeting on gender and finance
Agnès Hubert, Bureau of European Policy Advisors, had contacted EPWS in December 2008 to explore possibilities to organise a brainstorming meeting on “A Gender Perspective on the Financial Crisis”. The meeting is planned to take place in Brussels on 19 February 2009 and will bring together women scientists and women practitioners working on this issue, including the scientific expertise of EPWS member organisation GARNET.