23-24 settembre Roma
Secondo le regole ESF, il Workshop sarà a porte chiuse ma saranno disponibili gli atti.
Women in Science: Participation Issues and Perspectives in a Globalized Research System
Convened by: Sveva Avveduto (IT)
The IRPPS is pleased to host the ESF Exploratory Workshop on participation of women in scientific contests. Out of 129 proposals, only 26 were selected and only three are Italian! But IRPPS has proven to be equal to its European partners.
What is an ESF Exploratory Workshop?
The ESF Exploratory Workshop with an interactive group sessions is aimed at opening up new directions in research to explore new fields with a potential impact on developments in science. The workshop has a wide participation from across Europe and involve mature scientists as well as young, independent researchers and scholars with leadership potential. The relatively small scale (in terms of people involved) provides an ideal platform for focus on the topic and for all participants to contribute to discussions and plan follow-up collaborative work.
Our Workshop
Our workshop intends to explore factors and causes that prevent women participation to the scientific and research institutions and expects to promote ideas and policies in order to obtain a better gender balance into science, research and technology careers. This under-representation of women in science conflicts with the growing rates of talent, merit and skills that women achieve in their University careers causes a general loss in creativity and excellence in the scientific system and in the whole society.
Possible outcomes and benefits of the Workshop will be common line of actions at European level to develop a more homogeneous system of scientific careers. The Workshop will be the occasion of exchange between different research institutes and universities, between different scientists’ generations and of promoting cross national collaborations. A scientific publication based on the workshop proceeding is foreseen.
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